An extract from the Missionary Aviation Progress Report 1959 written by Stuart King. A story of how Gordan Marshall brought relief in an emergency situation.
“Hardships have been greatly relieved. Some time ago a call came through from the Sudan United Mission in the Nubba mountain area of South Sudan saying that a missionary couple were in trouble. Their little girl had been playing with some African children and they had been eating peanuts. One of the peanuts become stuck in the little girl’s windpipe.
At first no one thought it was very serious, but the mission nurse found that it could not be removed. Something had to be done but how could they get her to hospital that was 300 miles away? Could MAF help? A message was sent to our base at Malakai and at dawn the next morning the Cessna sped on its way, landing near the isolated mission station an hour later. Accompanied by her father, twoyear- old Loraine was immediately flown to hospital, leaving an anxious mother who had to remain at home because of the birth of a second child just three days before.
After a flight of two hours the plane landed at Khartoum and the child was rushed to hospital. In the Lord’s providence a specialist from England was visiting the hospital at Khartoum at that very time and was due to leave the next day. The operation was successfully performed, and the following afternoon Loraine was flown home again. This was a miracle indeed.”
“No wonder we say, ‘THY MERCY, O LORD IS IN THE HEAVENS’.”
“This is what He has done and what your prayers and support have wrought. Without the plane, that child might have died.”
What was true then, is also true now. With God’s mercy and help, MAF has been able to provide aid, emergency assistance and spread the Gospel to the most isolated communities in the world. We celebrate what He has done in and through us in the last 75 years.