Join our Family

Become a supporter of MAF, in Prayer, Word or Deed.

MAF’s Heroes

What will you become?


Invest in the mission

If you’re interested in donating to the mission of MAF, become an investor! You can make a once-off donation, or become a partner.


Work with us

We’re looking for skilled pilots, aircraft engineers, and management and support professionals for overseas roles. We seek committed Christians, with an active involvement in their home church and a sense of personal calling to work in Christian mission with MAF.


Forge a new path

If you’re interested in speaking at churches on MAF’s behalf, to raise awareness and funds for people who are isolated, this is the role for you! Pioneers have the freedom to forge a path for MAF in their own community. They might be interested in hosting Co-Pilot Coffee’s on behalf of MAF.


Attend Events

Our team visits events across the country to raise awareness for MAF. We might attend a Christian festival or conference, an airshow or a cycle race. It varies and it’s all about enabling the gospel to reach the ends of the earth.

Brave Hearts

Get active

There are so many ways you can raise awareness and funds for the Kingdom of God. One of them is through exercise! Why not become an athlete ambassador for MAF and do your Park Run, run a marathon, sky dive, or swim the midmar mile for isolated people?

Prayer Warriors

Pray for salvation

Our prayer warriors are enabling us to keep us flying. They are fuelling us through prayer. Our staff, flights, projects and the people we serve need prayer. If you can are passionate about seeing people saved, join us in praying.

Planned Giving

Make a lasting difference

Commit to donating to MAF in many different ways, from monthly giving to leaving a gift to MAF in your will or through securities. Build yourself a legacy both in and beyond your lifetime today and bring longlasting change.

MAF’s Heroes

Hear from some of our donors, partners and supporters about why they support and love Mission Aviation Fellowship. Meet our #MAFFamily.

Pst. Aré Van Eck

“I am always impressed by the fact that they [MAF] continue to do their work – come rain or sunshine.


No task too big or too small, no person too unimportant.


It’s saving people who cannot repay you and presenting them with a gift that cannot be bought: the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


I believe in sowing and reaping and I couldn’t think of any… aviation source better than Mission Aviation [Fellowship].”

Rev. David Molefe

“Correctly, it’s not that I love MAF, but I’m doing what the Lord God has commanded us as His children to do.


I support MAF because they are doing a lot of things for the poor of the poorest…


I support them as much as I can… even if I can not do exactly what I would like to do, but the little bit I am contributing for them to carry on… satisfies me…


1 John 3:17… I think God wants us not only to talk… but God wants us, whatever we say, we must also do it in action.”


“I love that the Gospel is not hindered by mountains, rivers and gorges. MAF is able to reach the unreachable by normal standard.


It was always my dream to become a pilot, but I never wanted to fly big airliners around the globe. I’m a wannabe bush pilot at heart and always imagined being able to fly for missions. Life and circumstances have not allowed me to fly but by contributing to MAF I feel part of that mission to reach the lost in places that few can get to by normal means.”

“Thank you so much for choosing to partner with MAF financially. Please fill in the form below to notify us that you would like to create a debit order with MAF. ”

— Maxine Holman, CEO or MAF SA

Complete the form below and we will be in touch to tell you how you can start the journey.

Complete the form below and we will be in touch to tell you how you can start the journey.

Complete the form below and we will be in touch to tell you how you can start the journey.

Complete the form below and we will be in touch to tell you how you can start the journey.

Thank you so much for choosing to partner with MAF financially.


Here is your FREE excerpt from our bestselling book ‘A Bush Pilot’s Logbook’. This is the biography of a man trained in war who returned home to become a man of peace and mercy.

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For over 78 years we’ve been reaching people in remote areas through aviation.

Join thousands of others in our quest to see the people who are often forgotten, reached with hope, help and healing.

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