Opening Doors for Single Mothers
Teaching single mothers how to make knitted items with a manual loom to sell and generate income for their families, has opened the door to share the Gospel.
Flying for Christ
There is a specific calling on the life of an MAF pilot. We often read about the beauitful journey of a pilot’s life on the mission field, but rarely do we read about the journey to the mission field. As you read Tali’s story below, consider whether you are called to reach the isolated.
Medevac Mission
Pilots, Michael and Judith Dupuis were enjoying some quiet reflection on Good Friday when a phone call from Flight Operations Manager Brad Venter interrupted them. A medical evacuation flight was needed for a man who had been brutally attacked by a wild pig. The following are the morning’s events told by Judith.
Age is no Barrier
Jill Vine reports on her experience with two ladies who MAF have supported over the years. The 80-year-old Spanish Sister and 89-year-old Canadian Sister are on the mission field and making a difference daily.
The eleven year wait
Scott and Susie had been waiting in Chad a long time. Over eleven years, in fact. Praying and waiting. Working and praying and waiting. Drilling wells, teaching hygiene, holding dental and medical clinics, sharing the Word…and waiting on God for that miracle when someone would choose to follow Jesus.
A Mom’s experience on the mission field
Michelle Venter, a South African woman, shares her experience of living as an MAF missionary in Papua New Guinea with her husband and three children.