MAF SA Newsletter Vol.6 No.4 2023
Pour yourself a cup of coffee and enjoy a curated collection of our latest stories showcasing the impactful work happening in MAF programmes across the globe. Gain insight into the endeavors of our dedicated missionaries, and tap into the prayer requests spanning the MAF community. All in MAFSA’s fourth-quarter digital magazine for 2023, our Christmas Edition. With a few festive gift ideas to fuel our wings!
MAF SA Newsletter Vol.6 No.3 2023
Pour yourself a cup of coffee and enjoy a curated collection of our latest stories showcasing the impactful work happening in MAF programmes across the globe. Gain insight into the endeavors of our dedicated missionaries, and tap into the prayer requests spanning the MAF community. All in MAFSA’s third-quarter digital magazine for 2023. With a few festive gift ideas to fuel our wings!
MAF SA Newsletter Vol.6 No.2 2023
Welcome to MAFSA’s digital newsletter for the second quarter of 2023! Pour yourself a cup of coffee and enjoy a curated collection of our latest stories showcasing the impactful work happening in MAF programmes across the globe. Gain insight into the endeavors of our dedicated missionaries, and tap into the prayer requests spanning the MAF community. Finally, don’t miss out on the latest message from our CEO!
Safety and Shelter at Last
The principle of ‘women in a safe space’ is fundamental to the work of an organisation we support at the Rhino Refugee Camp in Uganda. Mark Liprini, MAF SA Pilot flew a team to see the good work.
Found again
MAF’s journey with a resilient person with disabilities, who has been orphaned and is now a refugee in Uganda.
Christ resurrects dead situtations
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” These well-known words from Matthew 28:19-20 were an affirmation to one of our passengers recently, as he responded to a request to visit a group of people very much in need of pastoral and educational input.
Flying back to villages damaged by war
Mende Nazer, former slave from the Nuba Mountains, returns home. Baroness Caroline Cox visits war torn villages in Yida, the Nuba Mountains and Wau.