Clinics off airstrips
The Endanyawish landscape is dry and dusty. The airstrip parallels a short mountain ridge with a small marshy lake close by. The landing is tricky with a sharp turn at the beginning in front of the ridge, and winds that must be taken seriously.
What’s it like flying in PNG?
Flying for MAF is nothing like flying for a commercial airline. Dave Rogers, an MAF pilot based in Papua New Guinea, answers the question, “What’s it like flying in PNG?” from his perspective, flying an Airvan GA8 out of Goroka.
Red Airstrips
Many bush pilots who have flown in Africa can relate to the difficulty of using a dirt airstrip. In Kenya, an airstrip approximately 20 km from Olorte had been the only useable airstrip in Entasekera since 2009. It allowed planes to fly passengers in, but not out. This wouldn’t be a problem if it wasn’t continuously serving a Maasai community. But it was.